Dalaguete Adventures Await: A Weekend Getaway

Dalaguete Adventures Await: A Weekend Getaway

Nestled in Cebu, Dalaguete is a first-class municipality known as the “Vegetable Basket of Cebu.” Its rich agricultural heritage is evident in the lush green fields that yield bountiful harvests. With fertile soil and favorable climate, Dalaguete excels in...
Changing Filipino Views on Insurance

Changing Filipino Views on Insurance

  In the Philippines, the traditional mindset has long been one of not discussing the future, often summed up with the phrase “bahala na” – meaning, whatever will be, will be. This perspective has been deeply ingrained, passed down through...

Fam-Trip to Ilo-Ilo, Guimaras and Capiz

Kapwa Travel ist not only a fully DOT-accredited tour company but is also a member of the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB). To promote the numerous tourist attractions and encourage visitors to make the trip to the destinations following the pandemic’s three-year...
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