Kapwa Travel Sustainability Policy

As our presence in the tourism sector expands, our dedication to sustainability takes on greater significance. Moving beyond basic operations, our approach is characterized by a conscientious concern for the well-being of destinations, the environment, local communities, our valued customers, and, notably, our dedicated employees. Understanding the interdependence of these elements, we actively work towards implementing and upholding sustainable practices across all aspects of our operations.

One of our objectives is to be intelligent leaders in the tourism industry, supporting and creating sustainable local structures, particularly in the field of (eco-)tourism. This commitment aims to preserve nature and protect animals. With this goal in mind, we are outlining policies to ensure that we are following sustainable practices.

Hence, this policy delineates our past accomplishments, current practices, and our envisioned future efforts. These practices align with the services we provide to both internal and external partners. This is an ongoing effort involving everyone in the company, and we are committed to achieving the following 

  1. Sustainability Management & Legal compliance

We commit to sustainability management, and legal compliance by these following actions: 

Appointment of Sustainability Coordinator:

  • Kapwa Travel commits to appointing a dedicated employee responsible for sustainability coordinator tasks, overseeing and advancing our sustainability initiatives.

Communication of Sustainability Mission:

  • We will actively communicate our sustainability mission statement to customers, partners, and suppliers, emphasizing our commitment to promoting responsible and conscious tourism practices that align with our core values.

Accessible Sustainability Policy:

  • Kapwa Travel will maintain an accessible and written sustainability policy, outlining specific measures for the reduction of negative social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts. This policy will also explicitly address employee health and safety aspects within the scope of our operations.

Active Engagement in External Forums:

  • We commit to participating in external forums and working groups that actively contribute to sustainability in the tourism industry. Our engagement will include sharing best practices and staying informed about emerging sustainability trends and standards.

Baseline Assessment:

  • A comprehensive baseline assessment of Kapwa Travel’s current sustainability practices will be conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses. This assessment will serve as the foundation for setting improvement targets and measuring progress over time.

Sustainability Guidelines and Assessment System:

  • Kapwa Travel will implement sustainability guidelines and an assessment system to evaluate the sustainability performance of key suppliers and partners. This includes clear criteria and metrics aligned with our sustainability objectives.

Sustainability Action Plan:

  • We will develop a detailed sustainability action plan with clear targets, specific actions, measurable indicators, assigned responsibilities, and a well-defined timeline for implementation. This plan will guide our efforts to enhance sustainability across all aspects of our operations.

Procedures for Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Kapwa Travel will establish documented procedures to systematically monitor and evaluate the implementation of the sustainability policy, objectives, and targets. This includes regular assessments, performance reviews, and feedback mechanisms to drive continuous improvement.

Transparency through Public Reporting:

  • We are committed to ensuring transparency by engaging in regular public reporting on our sustainability efforts. This will include communicating achievements, challenges, and future goals to stakeholders, fostering trust and accountability.

Staff Awareness and Commitment:

  • All staff members will undergo comprehensive training to ensure full awareness of our Sustainability Policy. We will foster a culture of commitment to sustainability, encouraging active participation and continuous improvement from every team member.
  1. Internal Management: Social policy & human rights

Freedom of Employment and Contract Termination:

  • Employees at Kapwa Travel are entitled to exercise freedom in employment and contract termination, with a minimum notice period of ideally one month, without incurring any penalties.
  • Clear Job Descriptions:
    • Employment contracts will be easy to understand, following national laws and including clear job descriptions.
  • Fair Pay and Overtime Compensation:
    • Employee contracts will mention a fair wage, meeting or exceeding the legal standard. Overtime pay will be agreed upon and compensated.
  • Health and Insurance Benefits:
    • Employees will receive medical  insurance, ensuring their well-being.
  • Leave and Benefits:
    • Workers will get fixed paid holidays, sick leave, and unpaid leave as per legal standards.
  • Safe Working Conditions:
    • Kapwa Travel is committed to keeping workplaces safe, following national safety standards such as providing fire extinguishers and first aid kits in the office. 
  • Guidance on Health and Safety:
    • Employees will receive guidance on health and safety regularly, including Health Support Programs:
  • Kapwa Travel will encourage and support employees’ health, such as subsidizing gym memberships or organizing yoga sessions on-site or virtually.
  • how to respond to emergencies.

Human Rights Practices:

  • Non Discrimination Practices: 
    • Discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation is strictly prohibited.
  • Equal Opportunities for Development:

– All employees will have an equal chance for personal development through regular training and education.


All levels of management are responsible for upholding and implementing this policy. Any concerns or suggestions related to well-being and diversity should be communicated through established channels for prompt attention.

By prioritizing the well-being of our employees and embracing diversity, we aim to create a positive and inclusive workplace culture at Kapwa Travel.

  1. Internal Management: Environment and community relations

We are dedicated to practicing environmental responsibility and fostering positive community relations through the implementation of the following initiatives:

Paperless Practices:

  • Promote a paperless working environment to reduce our ecological footprint.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Materials:

  • Utilize non-hazardous, non-eutrophic, and eco-labeled cleaning materials, such as broomsticks and reusable dust cloths, etc. 

Brochure Reduction Measures:

  • Implement measures to reduce brochure wastage or consider adopting an ‘internet only’ policy.

Green Energy and Efficient Lighting:

  • Prioritize the use of green energy and energy-efficient lighting in all areas whenever possible
  • Utilizing natural light: Employees are encouraged to open curtains during daylight hours to make optimal use of natural lighting. 
  • Opting for electric fans: When air conditioning is not in use, electric fans are provided as an energy-efficient alternative for maintaining a comfortable working environment.

Energy Conservation Practices:

  • Implement energy conservation practices, including the use of automatic switch on/off systems with timers. Default equipment settings should be in energy-saving mode where feasible.
  • Turning off lights: At the end of each shift, it is mandatory for employees to ensure that no light bulbs are left switched on. 
  • Limited air conditioning usage: To conserve energy, a timer is set to allow air-conditioning for a maximum of 5-6 hours per day. 

Preference for Low-Energy Equipment:

  • When acquiring new items, prefer low-energy equipment, considering both cost and quality, such as the use of LED bulbs in the office.

Waste Reduction:

  • Take action to reduce the consumption of non-refillable plastic bottles for office drinking water. Encourage the use of reusable mugs.
  • Ensure that the usage of plastic bottles for the upcoming months is reduced to zero.
  • Implement and enforce a strict no-plastic policy in the office, aiming for zero plastic waste generation such as from candies, junk foods, etc. 
  • Encourage employees to bring reusable containers and utensils for meals and snacks to reduce single-use plastics and packaging waste.

Reducing Staff Travel Impact:

  • Measure and actively reduce staff-related travel. Encourage sustainable commuting options such as public transportation or cycling.
  • Financially encourage employees to use public transport or other sustainable means of transportation.

Reusing Water:

  • If possible, we  recycle wastewater for non-drinking needs, helping to decrease the need for freshwater.

Tele-Work and Virtual Meetings:

  • Reduce transportation-related impacts through practices such as tele-work, tele/video meetings, and work-at-home policies.

Guidance and Training for Environmental Practices:

  • Provide periodic guidance, training, and information to all staff members regarding their roles and responsibilities in adhering to internal environmental practices.
  1. Transport

We recognize the pivotal role of transport in sustainable tourism and commit to minimizing environmental impact while enhancing the overall travel experience. Our focus is on selecting, promoting, and integrating sustainable transport options for a more responsible and eco-friendly travel approach.

  • Environmentally Conscious Vehicle Selection:
    • When selecting vehicles for our tours, we give preference to those that have pollution levels lower than the average. This involves evaluating aspects like how efficiently they use fuel, their emission standards, and the availability of alternative energy options.
  • Preference for Sustainable Alternatives:
    • In selecting transport options for transfers and excursions at the destination, we prioritize alternatives with lower environmental impact. This decision considers factors such as price, comfort, and practicality to ensure a seamless and eco-conscious travel experience.
  1. Accommodation

Our Commitment:

We strive to establish a fully sustainable tourism supply chain, and our partner accommodations play a crucial role in achieving this goal. We actively encourage and motivate these accommodations to adopt sustainable practices.

Preference for Local Ownership:

  • We prefer and select accommodations that are locally owned and managed.

Community Employment:

  • We choose accommodations that actively employ local communities.

Documentation of Sustainability Goals:

  • Accommodations are required to provide evidence outlining their sustainability goals and strategies.

Training on Responsible Tourism:

  • We encourage accommodations to follow best practices and participate in training programs on responsible tourism.

Transparent Communication:

  • We actively communicate our sustainability objectives and requirements to contracted and other relevant accommodations.

Protection of Children’s Rights:

  • We ensure that the rights of children are respected and safeguarded by:
    • Including a common repudiation and zero-tolerance policy of child sexual exploitation in contracts.
    • Including a clause enabling the termination of contracts if the accommodation fails to prevent child sexual exploitation.
    • Training employees in children’s rights and the prevention of sexual exploitation.
    • Collaborating with stakeholders to prevent the sexual exploitation of children.

Preservation of Local Heritage:

  • We collaborate with accommodations and restaurants that showcase local art, architecture, or cultural heritage while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities.
  1. Excursion and Activities

At Kapwa Travel, we highly prioritize the well-being of animals and communities, striving to provide tours that have a minimal environmental footprint. Our commitment is centered on safeguarding the authenticity of communities and natural surroundings, firmly standing against any harm to wildlife and environmental pollution.

Promotion of Environmental Conservation:

  • We encourage our guests to participate in excursions and activities that support local environmental and biodiversity conservation efforts. This may include visiting protected areas or engaging in environmental protection projects.

Support for Local Communities:

  • We promote and advise our guests on excursions and activities that directly involve and support local communities. This includes purchasing services or goods, traditional crafts, and supporting local (food) production methods or visiting social projects.

Qualified Guides for Sensitive Destinations:

  • We ensure that skilled and/or certified guides accompany our guests in sensitive cultural sites, heritage sites, or ecologically sensitive destinations.

Avoidance of Involvement with Harmful Practices:

  • We refrain from involvement with companies that harvest, consume, display, sell, or trade wildlife species unless it is part of a regulated activity that ensures sustainable utilization and compliance with local, national, and international laws.

Ethical Wildlife Tourism:

  • We uphold the highest ethical standards in all wildlife tourism activities. We do not offer excursions involving captive wildlife, except when in full compliance with local, national, and international laws. Our focus is on promoting experiences that prioritize wildlife viewing in natural habitats and support conservation efforts.
  • We will provide comprehensive training and education to all staff members on the importance of ethical wildlife tourism. Our staff will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to uphold our sustainability policy and educate guests about responsible wildlife tourism practices.
  • We will collaborate with suppliers and partners who share our commitment to sustainability and ethical wildlife tourism practices. We will screen all suppliers to ensure their wildlife-related excursions align with our sustainability policy and support conservation efforts.
  • We will provide information on how guests can make ethical choices when selecting wildlife-related excursions.

Wildlife Harvesting: 

  • The company firmly prohibits all forms of wildlife harvesting, including the procurement of corals, and prohibits any form of contact, such as touching or stepping on them, during snorkeling activities. Additionally, visitors to locations like the Tarsier Sanctuary in Bohol are reminded not to disturb the animals. Our knowledgeable guides are instrumental in educating guests about responsible wildlife interaction, cultivating a deeper understanding and appreciation for these creatures and their habitats. In line with our dedication to wildlife conservation, we will consistently review and enforce policies that prioritize the well-being and preservation of the natural environment.

Guest Behavior Standards:

  • We advise guests on behavior standards during excursions, emphasizing respect for local culture, nature, and the environment.
  1. Destination: 

We endeavor to promote sustainable development in the destinations where we operate, aiming to amplify positive influences and mitigate negative impacts.

Avoidance of Negative Local Effects:

  • We refrain from selecting destinations where tourism causes structural negative effects, unless our involvement results in clear counterbalancing effects.

Avoidance of Threatened Species Souvenirs:

  • We do not promote or endorse souvenirs containing threatened flora and fauna species, as listed in the International Trade Administration (ITA) list.

Sustainable Transport Consideration:

  • In selecting new destinations, we consider those reachable through more sustainable means of transport.

Selection of Destinations:

  • We always think about sustainability when choosing new places to go. We might look into other options, like less popular destinations, to make sure we have a positive impact.
  1. Customer communication and protection

Before booking:

Customer Privacy Protection:

  • We ensure that customer privacy is not compromised.

Compliance with Standards:

  • We adhere to relevant standards and voluntary codes of conduct in marketing and advertising messages, ensuring that promises align with actual delivery.

Clear Product and Price Information:

  • Product and price information is presented clearly, completely, and accurately, including sustainability claims. (we sent the tour proposal along with our terms and conditions) 

Accurate Destination Information:

  • We provide factually correct, balanced, and complete destination information, including sustainability aspects.

Environmental Impact and Sustainable Alternatives:

  • Clients are informed about the environmental impact of different transport options and offered sustainable alternatives where available.

Promotion of Sustainable Options:

  • We will  promote sustainable accommodations, excursions, packages, and/or transport options, making them easily recognizable to consumers.

Information on Sustainable Alternatives:

  • Clients are informed about sustainable alternatives concerning accommodations, excursions, package holidays, and transport options when available.

Transparency on Sustainability Commitments:

  • We will  inform (potential) direct customers about sustainability commitments and actions.

After Booking and During Holidays:

  • Information on Destination and Culture:
    • Clients are provided with information about the natural surroundings, local culture, and cultural heritage in the holiday destination.
  • Health and Safety Information:
    • Information about risks and precautions related to health and safety matters in the destination is communicated.
  • Emergency Contact:
    • A contact person and a telephone number are permanently available for emergency situations.
  • Promotion of Local Businesses:
    • Clients are motivated to use local restaurants and shops where appropriate.
  • Information on Sustainable Transport:
    • Clients are informed about sustainable transport options in destinations when feasible.

After Holidays:

  • Client Satisfaction Measurement:
    • We systematically measure client satisfaction and consider the results for service and product improvements by sending an email to hear their feedback.
  • Complaint Handling Procedures:
    • Clear procedures are in place for handling complaints from clients.

At Kapwa Travel, sustainability is not just a policy; it’s an integral philosophy shaping every aspect of our operations. Committed to a comprehensive approach, we integrate ethical practices from destination selection to cultural preservation. Prioritizing sustainability, we aim to enhance the positive impact of travel while minimizing harm, acting as stewards of local communities and the environment. Kapwa Travel is dedicated to inspiring responsible wanderlust, fostering positive change, and envisioning a future where travel is both joyful and sustainable for everyone involved.

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